After dinner on Sunday we went and got ice cream, and Kelly got to have her first ice cream cone.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Our house has been ill for about the past week. In fact, Kelly's new favorite phrase is "I don't feel good," which I'm afraid she picked up from me. On Sunday we went out to dinner, but that was also the day that I caved in and we to the Urgent Care to get some antibiotics for my sinus infection. I was able to muster a smile because Kelly was cuddling me, a rarity when she's awake.
Posted by
K and As Mom
6:38 PM
Kelly and Daddy at the Soccer Field
We went to one of Isa's soccer practices and Kelly had fun scoping out the action. This is a rare photo where James is actually smiling!
Posted by
K and As Mom
4:17 PM
Kelly and Luis
When Kelly sits on Luis' shoulders, she's about 8 feet tall! She is enjoying being able to reach the tree branches the other day at the park.
Posted by
K and As Mom
4:11 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Uruguayan Barbecue
On Saturday night we got to go sample some delicious Uruguayan-style food at Luis' house.
While it cooked Kelly enjoyed some jalapeno potato chips (the girl can take the heat!)
Playing with Isa's "soup" that she makes... Kelly was kind of just throwing it everywhere.
Notice the little dog nose in the bottom right corner. Marley stayed away from Kelly for the most part, but she snuck a peak at what she was doing here.
Posted by
K and As Mom
4:13 PM
Back to the Park
Now that we're annual pass holders at Leesylvania Park, we've been trying to enjoy it as much as possible. One afternoon this week we went over and saw Keri and Luis there. Kelly had a fantastic time playing in the river.
En route to the water with Keri.
Checking out some treasures in the sand.
I tried to show Kelly how to rinse her hands off in the water...
But she kept sticking them back in the sand when they were wet!
Posted by
K and As Mom
4:01 PM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Springtime Antics
As the weather slowly warms up, we've been getting outside to play more and more.
On a mission down the sidewalk.
Fun with her ball. Kelly likes to practice her catching, throwing, and kicking.
Arm swinging is another fun new activity.
I've started tutoring on Saturdays so Kelly gets some weekend time alone with Daddy. Last weekend they walked to the tennis court and Kelly got to run around there.
They also found a soccer ball. Fun!
Posted by
K and As Mom
9:39 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My Easter Bunny
On Easter we went over to Gramma and Grampa's house. Kelly got to wear the pretty spring dress that Grandma got her a few months ago. Everyone loved it :).
Hunting for Easter eggs in her new spring jacket from Gramma.
Opening up her loot.
Checking out her Easter basket.
Enjoying the beautiful day on the deck.
Posted by
K and As Mom
6:49 PM