Wednesday, January 18, 2012

9 Months Old!

Yesterday Rhys had his 9-month checkup. He is 65th percentile for weight (21.75 lbs), 30th percentile for height (27.5 in), and a whopping 95th percentile for head circumfrence. He may look like Kelly, but he's got a huge head like Alyssa! :) In the past two weeks he has started crawling like a champ and pulling up all over the place. While our house is somewhat babyproofed from his sisters, he's showing us any areas that aren't!

Fun at the Playground

On a recent balmy weekend we had a family excursion to a great local playground, Kids Dominion. Good times were had by all!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kids N Motion

On Monday the kids and I were off so I thought it would be fun to go to a Kids N Motion holiday open play. The last time Alyssa was there she wasn't even mobile yet so this was big fun for her. After hiking up the slides with her half a dozen times (I admit, I enjoyed them too!), she got the idea and was able to do it herself.

Sorry, the slides are much faster than the shutter on my iPhone!

Kelly and Alyssa went down once together.

Grandma came along to hold Rhys so I could help Alyssa. All the excitement around him tired him out!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

After breakfast out with Grampa and Gramma Dot on New Year's Eve

Sharing Alyssa's bed

The first time Rhys pulled himself up to standing!