Wednesday, August 1, 2007

6 Month Check-Up Stats

Kelly went to the doctor today and got her last shots for 6 months! She was quite brave and only cried a little bit. Dr. Caplan was again impressed with her strength and skills. She weighed 17 lbs 6 ozs and measured 26.25 in., putting her in the 75th percentile for both weight and height! Pretty good for 100% breastfed! That will be changing soon though, since Kelly has reached the age where she must learn to eat real food. Hopefully, she will do better than she did with the pre-shot infant Tylenol that I tried to give her this morning -- she managed to spit it all back up at me. Sigh.


NuggetsMom said...

Happy half birthday, Kelly. Your mommy and daddy (and grandparents) are taking such good care of you!

Kelly and Alyssa's Grandma said...

Have no fear... Kelly ate all the Tylenol I gave her when she got to grandma's house.