Friday, September 16, 2011

Proud Big Sister

Alyssa adores Rhys. She calls him "baby Rhys-y brother." Sometimes, when she is in her "two-year-old funk" that she goes in to at the drop of a hat lately, I can distract her with Rhys.  She is sad if she doesn't get to kiss him goodbye in the morning when we drop him of in his classroom.  If he is crying, she tries, and often succeeds at, soothing him with her antics and offers of toys. She was just thrilled to hold him. As you can see, he's almost as big as she is; soon they will be in the same size diapers (though hopefully not for long!). At her 2-year check-up, Alyssa was 5th percentile for height, 30th percentile for weight, and 95th for head circumference. The nurse practitioner called her "perfect." Rhys is still in that rapid growth phase that all of our well-fed (breast-fed) babies go through and is well over 17 pounds at just about 5 months. I think they're both perfect!

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