Monday, July 20, 2009

Graham Park Pool

Last Thursday afternoon, we tried a local waterpark that was a very toddler-friendly facility... can't say as much for the patrons though, as two were being walked out in handcuffs as we arrived (!). However, Kelly LOVED all the fun stuff to do there. Not sure whether we'll be going back though....

Trying to enjoy the water with Kelly... it isn't easy being 35 weeks pregnant and playing in the pool with a two-year-old. But Daddy didn't feel like going in and just wanted to take pictures (which works out well for the blog).

Waving from the snake Part 1.

Waving from the snake Part 2.

Having fun getting splashed by the random flipping water buckets.

Riding on the turtle.

About to ride down the little swan slide. That was definitely a favorite!

Playing with the little fountains at the entrance to the water.

1 comment:

Kelly and Alyssa's Grandma said...

I just love all the smiles!