Monday, July 20, 2009

Kelly's Tricycle

Gramma Dot got Kelly a tricycle which we finally took outside to play on. She loves it, but the pedals are a bit too far away for her to reach comfortably. I figure by the fall or next spring, she'll be racing around the neighborhood on it.

34-week-pregnant Mommy helping Kelly get down the sidewalk. Can you tell I'm having a girl? Talk about carrying side-to-side/all over!

After becoming bored with the trike (it's not much fun when you can't steer or pedal), Kelly meandered up the hill and started playing with the rocks. She kept talking about it too... here she is chatting with them.

She really had fun with those rocks!

1 comment:

Kelly and Alyssa's Grandma said...

I suggest you attach blocks to the pedals. I remember people doing that years ago.